Angelo’s Paving
“When I started working with my grandfather, he set the bar very high. We learned at a very young age how to do things the right way. He taught us the value of life, and how important the business is.” ~ Mark Ciaglia
About Angelo’s Paving
Angelo’s Paving Inc. has an A + rating with the Better Business Bureau, and an A rating with Angie’s List. But we don’t rest on our laurels. Customer service and great workmanship take continual commitment and are the cornerstones of our business. ~ Mark, Angelo, Anthony, Michael and Michael Jr of Angelo’s Paving
“Whether it’s repairing a few cracks or a complete pavement installation, we’re on it!”
Trust us to expertly manage every stage of the process. There is a minimum of one owner on site for every project not only supervising, but actually working on the job. We use state-of-the-art equipment and make sure it’s always in working order. Proper clean-up is also an important part of every job and one we take very seriously.
Excellence in all areas of service is required for an A rating with Angie’s list and we are proud to say that we continually strive to maintain this status.

Year Established

A Brief History of Angelo’s Paving
While many families owned and operated business fade from the landscape, we are going strong after four generations as expert paving craftsmen.
In 1953, Angelo Ciaglia Sr, started Angelo’s Paving. Since the beginning, Angelo and his son Sonny Ciaglia (2nd generation) have proudly served the Monmouth County homeowners, commercial and industrial markets with unprecedented experience, quality and excellent service.
Today, the four grandsons and one great grandson of Angelo Ciaglia, Sr. (3rd & 4th generation) bring more than 130 years of combined on-the-job asphalt paving experience to commercial, residential and industrial customers. They pride themselves on being the oldest and one of the best in the Monmouth County asphalt paving industry.
The Angelo Family name has become synonymous with great work and reliable service. With the most qualified personnel in the industry and the expertise required to complete any asphalt paving, concrete and seal coating job to complete satisfaction, we look forward to earning your business.